
How do I get a quote and how long does it take?

In order to obtain a quote the client must have building plans. If you already have an architect or would like us to provide one, we have amazing connections in the field who we work closely with. There are no costs involved putting together the building quote however there are cost to get the building plans.

Typically quotes will take around 2-3 weeks to produce depending on size. This timeframe is for us to make sure we have accounted for every aspect of the job as well as sending the plans for quoting to all our trade subcontractors.

How can I keep track of progress?

Each client will be issued a login to our construction management software and can login directly from this website. There you will see all updates and schedules for your specific job. A log book is made every day reporting the activities and progress.

What are the delays I often hear about

Being flexible in our work to calmly accept any variations to an initial design is critical because delays due to unforeseen situations such as weather, or geology - as well as contract amendments and alterations inevitably come to pass in every project.

Varloch Constructions are always improving. We focus on everything and we are continually searching for passionate tradesmen to build our team as we grow and take on more work and develop seamless systems between client, employees and subcontractors


Do you have environment friendly options?

Yes, we even register for competitions and awards that recognise a green-smart, carbon footprint initiative.

This certain type of work requires us to work closely with the building designer or architect, which is where we suggest leaving us to subcontract our professionals for the job. Ultimately they design all the features, giving suggestions or taking requests from the client. Clients requesting for sustainability adds certain costs. We can lay out a plan upon request on how we can mitigate environmental damage.

What is sustainability to Varloch

Sustainable building is ‘built to last’ - be it the higher quality of materials we use and the design we go for which will hopefully last decades to come with no need for someone to come along and pull it down.

Unsustainable are homes that need to be constantly renovated, demolished to chase a new trend, putting more building waste back into the ground.

What is BASIX

BASIX is a NSW Government planning measure to reduce household electricity and water use by setting minimum sustainability targets for new and renovated homes. It sets minimum targets that must be achieved before a BASIX certificate can be generated, and then submitted as part of a development application or application for complying development. Water and energy use affects everyone and BASIX will continue to lead the way in lowering household energy and water use and costs.

Features they assess to issue the certificate, which is also a legal requirement, are: insulation, house orientation, water storage, solar, shades and blinds, pool covers, irrigation.


How much will my build cost.

It would be inaccurate to provide a cost of the build without seeing plans, a more important question to ask yourself is exactly how much do you want to spend and how well do you want to do it.

The price of your construction is based off the building design plans, a site inspection and your budget. Your budget is important during the drawings stage because the price difference between a concrete floor or timber floor, for example, is huge.

What are my payment options

Varloch has many pricing methods for jobs to ease a client into the process. Any building arrangement and payment style can be considered so long as is represented and agreed in form of a contract.

All pricing methods and contract include variations as you can not predict the unseen, nor is it safe to make assumptions. However it is our job to make sure all these provisionals and variances are not hidden, and discussed openly before signing a contract and as soon as they arise on the job.

Cost Plus

The contractor obtains materials and services throughout the building process and costs are passed to the owners, with an agreed margin to cover overheads and profits. This will be agreed to be billed at a set frequency most typically fortnightly.

Can be highly cost effective and the most transparent form of contract.

Lump Sum

A lump sum contract has the contractor agree to complete the project for a predetermined, set price.

What are Provisional Costs and Sums

Prime Costs and Provisional Sums are included in all contacts which cover an anticipated cost of certain elements or items included in the works.

A PC Item is an item that has not been selected at the time of signing the Contract.  A PC Item includes the cost of the supply of the item only and includes items such as tiles, fixtures, lights. 

A PS is an allowance for works that will be carried out, but cannot be priced exactly at the time of signing the contract.  They often include a combination of items, materials, labour and plant hire. Most common provisional sum is excavation - you can not price the unknown.


How do you handle defects

Varloch deals with defects and claims in the most professional manner. On a genuine defect we would prefer to maintain our reputation and relation with our client rather than an unreasonable dispute.

While most building projects are completed successfully, occasionally there may be concerns or unmet expectations that result in a dispute. Most home building disputes arise because of disagreements between building owners and builders about the appropriate standards and quality of work.

Please refer to the NSW guide to standards and tolerances for detailed reading.

View NSW guide

What warranty and insurances do I get?

Workmanship Warranty: It is a statutory requirement to offer for works over $5000, six years for major defects (structural) and within two years for other defects (cosmetic) from the date of completion.

HBC Insurance: Is a legal requirement when the contract cost of labour and materials is over $20,000. This cover protects the customer if the builder cannot complete building work or honour your warranty obligations.

Builders Insurance: Construction Works, Public & Product Liability Insurance is taken out by builders, tradesman or subcontractor to cover their responsibilities to insure against loss or damage to their build project.

Can I come onsite while it is being built

Anyone accessing abuilding site must be inducted, or accompanied by someone who has.

Even though you own the land does not change this fact due to occupational health and safety (OHS). Owners are not allowed onto a construction site unless they have had a full safety induction.

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